Below is a list of resources compiled by members of the Bereaved Dads Breakfast Club - books, articles, websites and more that helped us at different points along the way. We hope you find them useful.
Have one to add? Contact Us with the details and we'll gladly add it to our page.
Finding Meaning - The Sixth Stage of grief - a really good book on how to move forward after grief.
Tell me the truth about loss - An Irish Psychologist on the loss of her sister - something of a heavy read, but very real.
Grief is the thing with feathers - A beautifully written book on grief.
Option B - Sheryl Sandberg's (COO of Facebook) account of losing her husband and moving forward
"Widower of the parish" a series of articles in the Guardian newspaper - a practical account of the trials and tribulations of a widower. Adam Golightly has a follow on book.
John, Tom and Darren in the Sunday Independent (subscription required) - July 2021
John's Article in the Irish Independent on how to communicate to kids about death - 2018
Article on Grief: Second Year being harder than the first - Washington Post 2015 (choose free subscription option)
Websites & Online Resources
Widow.ie - Irish chat forum for widows and widowers - good for not feeling you are alone
Death Related Benefits - Information on financial benefits from Citizen's Information
Helping People Grieve - YouTube video on how to support people grieving
Advice for Holidays for Single Parents - Irish Independent Article
Radio, Podcasts
Tom on Jennifer Zamparelli on RTE 2fm August 2021
John and Tom on Miriam O'Callaghan - July 2021 Interview
After life - Ricky Gervais fictional but impactful account of life after losing his wife (Netflix)
Fatherhood (trailer) - light hearted widowhood movie starring Kevin Hart on Netflix